Bodyframe Wellness Boutique -BWB (VTCT centre number 2274/001 & SETA 13588)

We are also registered under CIPC with registration number: 2015/428116/07.

We offer Level 2 & 3 Certificate and Diploma which is recognized world wide.

Our school section is called ; Bodyframe International Beauty School (BIBS).

This is where skills are impacted in both male and female individuals of all races, tribes & Nationalities.

…and Bodyframe Wellness Boutique; Our section where treatments are offered by qualified therapists to the public at cheaper rates…we offer both in house and mobile services in all treatments.

Why choose BODYFRAME?

*Tutors are friendly and provide individual attention to students

* You can register any time and learn at your own pace. Everyday is Open day!

* There are no age restrictions individual from 16years can apply..

* We allow you in class even after duration for you to perfect your student fails in BWB

* We offer RPL by assisting those with previous knowledge get the proper certificate.

* We assist with job placement IN & OUT of South Africa.

* We offer flexible payment options to help you pay over months.

* We have an incredible record of excellence in Teaching

* We offer Part Time, Full time, Evening & Weekend Classes to accommodate all kinds of schedules?

* We graduate all our students officially.

& more.

Wouldn’t you rather school with us?